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What is 

MODUCARE® is a daily immune supplement made from a patented blend of natural plant sterols and sterolins in a ratio of 100:1. Internationally recognised research has shown that this blend may help to support a healthy and balanced immune system.

MODUCARE® is provided to FUTURELIFE® under the license of ASPEN Pharmacare.

How does MODUCARE® work?

Plant sterols and sterolins are plant fats found in all plant-based foods.  Sterolins are known as glucosides, which are molecular structures joined to the sterols. Sterolins are easily destroyed and without it the sterol does not have the same immune-enhancing benefits. Plants can never contain sterols alone.
Sterols and sterolins allow the immune system to regulate itself: upregulating an underactive response and downregulating an overactive one.
When we are exposed to stressors, our adrenal glands secrete the stress hormone cortisol, causing a corresponding drop in our anti-aging and immune enhancing hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).
Plant nutrients called sterols and sterolins effectively modulate cortisol, control Interleukin-6 and naturally increase DHEA to combat the pro-inflammatory effect of the imbalances in the body and thus enhances our immunity to fight a fair fight.